Innovation Director (InnoD) is built as a full life cycle Innovation Platform. InnoD, built on SharePoint, allows collaboration so a team of people can capture, review, prioritize, and analyze ideas in a systematic way. InnoD makes it easy for you to find the right ideas – the ones that fit your company’s needs – and nurture them so they can go from concept to reality.
The new release of Innovation Director includes CSS Read More about the features and benefits of Innovation Director. |
New features and benefits include:
InnoD is
InnoD is a flexible Innovation application. It can be used by a small set of people focused on a specific goal or an entire organization for collaboration among many different departments and objectives. It can even be used to capture ideas from your customers and vendors (Open Innovation). InnoD can be set up very quickly as a hosted service or as an in-house solution built on the SharePoint platform. InnoD allows you to start small and evolve over time – use as much or as little of the technology solution as you need.
Innovation Director and the Innovation Management Life Cycle
The above example life cycle is a starting point for the development of a life cycle that best fits how your company operates. InnoD is flexible and can be modified to use the phases, gates, and meta data that you need to see. It has been designed with a simple administrative interface to adapt to different needs for each hub (instance) that you need.
Take your ideas from Concept to Reality
The good news is that you can start simply and grow your innovation practice into a robust solution over time. For example, start with InnoD in a stand-alone SharePoint environment. When you’re ready, extend the solution to use the power of the full end-to-end solution. Project Server (or your existing PPM platform) will help you organize and manage the steps necessary to move your best ideas from concept to reality.
We designed the solution with the following principles in mind:
[twocol_one]Idea Creators and Collaborators need:
• Well communicated challenge areas (to focus their thinking).
• A lightweight information collection structure for idea submission for the purpose of providing a common description structure of the key idea components.
• A collaborative environment so they can play their thinking off each other (allows “elaboration” and “refinement” of an idea).
• An informative system so that people can easily find the ideas of others and monitor each other’s interest and feedback in the form of popularity, social rankings, comments, discussions etc.
• A reward mechanism/process to incent employee involvement.
[/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last]Businesses need:
• A place to create and communicate challenge areas.
• The ability to monitor/collect statistics on a collaboration environment (for reward/incentive purposes).
• Idea lifecycle support to define how ideas are selected and pushed forward at specific points (reducing the number of ideas for further focus at each point).
• An ability to do light-weight reviews/selection to push forward selected ideas.
• The ability to associate lightweight information collection around an idea for the purpose of effectively evaluating ideas at idea selection points.